We keep you informed on what is going out of your account per month.
We work only with the best tradespeople for your work.
We are landlords like you, so we know what you are going through.
At My Landlord Cares we understand you
Meet Kathy
Landlord Kathy had thought she had got a bargain property. She had found a cheap property in the ‘not so desirable’ parts of Sheffield. She was keen to get a return on her investment as soon as possible. She put up a post on Facebook and was flooded with interest. She found a tenant who was willing to pay her the rent she wanted. Kathy thought this is great! So easy, let’s repeat.
The first few months were great, rent was on time and tenants were good with responses. Then things started to slip, rents would come in late, neighbours would complain about the rubbish left outside, the tenants would not pick up her phone calls.
Kathy was stuck, she knew the eviction process takes ages, she was stuck with these difficult tenants. What was an asset, had now become a risk, she worried about her rent coming in monthly, she was being seen as the bad landlord who was ruining the neighbourhood, she was struggling to manage things and her stress levels were really high.
That's when she came to us, we helped her get her tenant out and took over her property. Now she can enjoy herself and not have to worry.
This means
•We put the right tenant in your property
•We run more checks then any other letting agent
This means
•That rental properties become long term homes
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